Digital Accessibility Index: Learn where the world’s leading brands fall short on accessibility.

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We Already Fixed Our Website for Accessibility - Are we done?

Mar 26, 2019

A common web accessibility myth is that accessibility is a one-time fix. Companies sometimes believe that because their website or app was built to be accessible or, more likely, was tested and fixed in the past, that the task of thinking about accessibility is complete.

If there's one thing that can be counted on to change over time, it's technology. Some of those changes are in the site owner's control, like content updates, new tools, and intentional enhancements. Some changes are out of the site owner's control, like web browser updates and evolution in assistive technology. All of those agents that work to make content available to visitors, apparently or behind the scenes, need to work together. When any of those things change, even slightly, something that once was accessible can become inaccessible.

How can you make sure your website stays accessible?

Accessibility requires monitoring and maintenance, just like everything else in business. To help make sure your website or app doesn't fall behind, consider:

Building self-sufficiency

When the creative and development teams responsible for managing digital content understand the importance and principles of accessibility, they can help keep your website compliant. One of the ways we strive to build self-sufficiency is through our detailed Developer's Guide, which organizes remediation suggestions after an audit into six categories and gives developers an understanding of how to address specific content types. We also offer self-paced training through a11y Academy. Cost and results are two of the reasons self-paced training works.

Keeping a relationship with the accessibility experts

Moving accessibility operations in-house is possible, but the feasibility of that usually depends on the structure, budget, expertise, and priorities of the organization. Aligning your business with proven experts in the industry can go a long way toward giving all your customers a great experience and protecting your business from accessibility complaints and lawsuits.

So far this year, we have launched two major enhancements to our robust ongoing support package, designed to help website visitors resolve issues and help clients demonstrate their compliance. In addition to features like regular scans to monitor any changes that could impact accessibility, our clients can also receive:

Getting accessibility buy-in at work

Many people are aware of the benefits of and reasons for prioritizing digital accessibility, but many people are not. If awareness and commitment aren't where you think they should be yet, check out:

Here to help

Whether you're brand new to accessibility and are wondering where to start, or you're ready to talk to us about customized options for maintaining digital compliance, we are here to help with all your accessibility initiatives.

Use our free Website Accessibility Checker to scan your site for ADA and WCAG compliance.

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Not sure where to start?

Start with a free analysis of your website's accessibility.