Digital Accessibility Index: Learn where the world’s leading brands fall short on accessibility.

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Detailed a11y® Analysis & Remediation Reports Breaks Down Results

Once our a11y® analysis platform has scanned a website against hundreds of rules, the results will be detailed in two ways:

  • a11y® Analysis Breakdown by WCAG 2.1 A/AA Principle, and
  • Developer’s Guide organized by six themes, with prioritized issues and thorough remediation suggestions.

This dual approach builds knowledge by bringing the universally-recognized digital accessibility standards to life and builds self-sufficiency by teaching developers how to address content types on their own moving forward.

a11y® analysis breakdown by WCAG 2.1 A/AA principle

Many find it helpful to see their site’s evaluation in the context of the actual standards against which it was tested. Included are the:

  • WCAG 2.1 A/AA Summary Chart An at-a-glance view of the types of issues that were discovered.
  • a11y® Analysis Breakdown by WCAG 2.1 A/AA Principle Explains the specific WCAG 2.1 A/AA violations found. The purpose of this breakdown is to educate content and development teams on WCAG by highlighting the principles, guidelines, and checkpoints that have issues.

Developer’s Guide

The Developer’s Guide is designed for immediate compliance and long-term sustainability. It will be most helpful to the developers or programmers who are making the actual code updates.

Issues found during the a11y® analysis are organized here by six themes:

  • Media: imagery, videos, and plug-ins
  • Structure: HTML layout markup and positioning of data
  • Text: textual content and its comprehension
  • Scripting: scripting code, like JavaScript
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets and inline styles
  • Form: form controls, navigability, and comprehension

Rather than a page-by-page approach or thinking of every issue in isolation, this approach gives developers a full understanding of how to address content types for remediation and on their own moving forward — building self-sufficiency.

Not sure where to start?

Start with a free analysis of your website's accessibility.