Digital Accessibility Index: Learn where the world’s leading brands fall short on accessibility.

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Digital Accessibility Blog

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Why Autoplay Is an Accessibility No-No

Web developers have plenty of tricks for keeping users engaged, and when properly implemented, most of those...
Sep 21, 2020

Tracking Lack of Accessibility in Absentee Ballots

The Covid-19 pandemic is widely expected to have a significant effect on the Nov. 3 election, and many voters...
Sep 10, 2020

Enhanced Braille Support Now Available for Google Docs

Google Docs unveiled new accessibility features this week designed to assist people with disabilities and users of...
Sep 10, 2020

Latest Public Draft of WCAG 2.2 Features Nine New Success Criteria, Other Updates

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines will soon be enhanced with the updates pending in WCAG 2.2. On August 11,...
Sep 9, 2020

Creating Accessible Content for People Who Learn Best by Reading and Writing

Do you enjoy reading or retain information well after reading a book? What about when you take notes or write an...
Sep 8, 2020

Myths and Facts About Color Blindness and Accessibility

Color blindness — more accurately referred to as color vision deficiency or CVD — affects about 300 million people...
Sep 3, 2020

Creating Accessible Content for Visual Learners

When you’re learning a new concept or process, whether for work or school or fun, do you retain information better...
Sep 1, 2020

Including Temporary and Situational Disabilities in the Accessibility Conversation

When building for accessibility, website owners often consider permanent, significant disabilities first — an...
Sep 1, 2020

Why Digital Accessibility Should Be a Priority in Employment

Business owners sometimes think of accessibility as an impediment — a series of tasks that must be undertaken to...
Aug 25, 2020

Most Popular

Web Accessibility Tips: Don't Disable Zooming (Yes, Even On Mobile)

If your users can’t zoom in on your content, you’re probably making a mistake. Zooming (or scaling) is common,...
Oct 14, 2022

Why Justified (or Centered) Text is Bad for Accessibility

Justified text is text that is spaced so that the right and left sides of the paragraph have the same edge. In...
May 9, 2023

How to Fix: "Buttons Do Not Have Accessible Names"

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) require interactive elements to have both a “label" and a “name.”...
May 26, 2022

Dark Mode Can Improve Text Readability — But Not for Everyone

Dark modes and themes are extremely popular and they’re frequently touted as an accessibility solution. While the...
Jul 7, 2021

What Are the Four Major Categories of Accessibility?

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are organized by four main principles, which state that content...
Sep 13, 2019

The iOS "Increase Contrast" Feature and Accessibility: What to Know

Apple’s iOS offers a number of accessibility features that enable users to tailor their mobile experiences. One of...
Sep 26, 2022

Accessibility Tips: Let Users Control Font Size

Oct 26, 2023

Accessibility Tips: Using the DIV and SPAN Elements

Usually, you want use HTML to convey meaning about the structure of your website. However, two HTML elements are...
Oct 21, 2022

What's The Difference Between WCAG Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA?

In order to embrace web accessibility as a priority, you need to set goals and track your progress. The Web...
Dec 17, 2021

How to Fix Google Lighthouse's 'Sufficient Contrast Ratio' Error

Google Lighthouse is a free tool for auditing website performance, search engine optimization (SEO), and web...
Apr 25, 2023

5 Quick Ways to Self-check the Accessibility of a Website

Ensuring your website is accessible is imperative for business, legal, and practical reasons, but it can be hard...
Apr 3, 2019

Does Comic Sans Benefit People with Dyslexia?

Comic Sans is controversial. Since its release in 1994, the playful, Batman-inspired font has been panned as...
May 16, 2023

Not sure where to start?

Start with a free analysis of your website's accessibility.