Digital Accessibility Index: Learn where the world’s leading brands fall short on accessibility.

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You Might Be an Accessibility Champion If You...

Oct 22, 2019

As is true of every skill or calling, even the most seasoned accessibility professional was once a novice. If you are considering a career in accessibility or have interest in being a leader in advancing accessibility initiatives from whatever role you're in, you might already be an accessibility champion in the making.

You might be an accessibility champion if you:

  • Respect the process but value results even more. Checking boxes is important, but if the culmination of everyone's efforts isn't improved accessibility, the process fell short.
  • Creatively apply knowledge to solve problems. Some accessibility checkpoints and best practices are cut-and-dry, and some necessarily require interpretation for effective application.
  • Have an aptitude for technical concepts, but an appetite for making things better for people. Accessibility is about removing barriers for people, bridging unnecessary divides — the technical piece is the vehicle that gets us there.
  • Know you're never done learning. No amount of training (or really enjoyable blog articles) can replace valuable experience, and technology is ever-advancing, so a commitment to accessibility is a commitment to continuous improvement and evolution.
  • Are willing to defend an unpopular opinion. Not everyone will agree with every recommendation, and seemingly-competing priorities like a tight timeline or a fixed budget can lead to compromises — but accessibility can't be one of those compromises.

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