Digital Accessibility Index: Learn where the world’s leading brands fall short on accessibility.

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Valuing Accessibility Should Be Part of Your Company's Corporate Social Responsibility

Apr 12, 2019

More than ever, companies are striving to innovate workforce and culture. Companies that aim to be diverse and inclusive of people with disabilities take accessibility seriously, and also recognize that accessibility is a civil right.

Accessibility should be thought of as one of the many important facets of a company’s corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is part of the concept of being accountable to a company’s stakeholders, investors, and the public. A company with a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility will be conscious of their economic, social, and environmental impacts on society.

The Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility & Accessibility

There are a multitude of benefits to a developing and maintaining corporate social responsibility, from increased revenue to an enhanced brand reputation; it’s important for a company’s success to not let these opportunities go to waste. Increasing customer interest by conducting business ethically can increase sales and loyalty, employee volunteer programs, and workforce diversity.

Similarly, accessibility also reaps benefits for those who undertake the measures to ensure that their products and services are available to individuals with disabilities.

Accessibility allows positive experiences and interactions with people to happen, who in turn could be brand ambassadors for your company. When a company takes the initiative to make its website more accessible for one group, it’s reasonable to expect that it will also improve usability for other groups as well.

Making a Difference Through Community

The more a company invests in programs that improve relationships with employees, the more morale is boosted, employees can bond with their employer and ultimately feel more connected to the world around them.

How and Where to Get Started

Whether you’re completely new to accessibility or looking to improve your existing accessibility needs, we can help you reach your goals. Contact us for a no-obligation 30-minute consultation or request a free WCAG 2.1 Summary Scan.

Use our free Website Accessibility Checker to scan your site for ADA and WCAG compliance.

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