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People with Disabilities Still Face Challenges with Electronic Recording

Apr 2, 2013

Health Records and tools that have advanced into the digital age have proven to be a hindrance to some people living with disabilities. This is not only an accessibility issue, but also a legal issue. Under requirements outlined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all medical practices and health centers must make their communal Internet spaces accessible to the public at large, however, many people with disabilities have reported experiencing issues accessing information on these websites.

Technology experts in all fields, be it medical, legal, governmental, etc, are recommending that when possible, providers should install accessibility software or partner with an accessibility expert, at the start of the process to move to electronic recording. This will help save money in the long run. However, companies who have already moved into electronic records should still conduct self-audits to ensure their Internet presence is not causing a stumbling block for anyone.

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