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BoIA Encourages all to Participate in Global Accessibility Awareness Day

May 12, 2016

The Bureau of Internet Accessibility (BoIA) encourages everyone to participate in Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) on May 18, 2017 to help bring awareness of the impact digital accessibility plays in everyday life.

According to the GAAD website, its mission is “to get people talking, thinking and learning about digital (web, software, mobile, etc) accessibility and users with different disabilities.” GAAD does this by encouraging people to experience first-hand what it’s like to use technology as someone living with one or more disability.

For years, BoIA has been encouraging its employees who do not have disabilities, to regularly engage in the activities as suggested by GAAD, such as periodically going mouseless and using only a keyboard to navigate, enlarging screen font, checking for sufficient color contrast, checking order of elements and surfing the Web using a screen reader.

“Since BoIA’s early years, I’ve advocated for our employees to take time out of their day to experience first-hand what it’s like to use technology as someone living with a disability,” commented Mark Shapiro, BoIA’s Founder and President. “It’s a relevant opportunity for our team to develop a better understanding of how the company’s mission impacts the population directly.”
BoIA has encouraged its partners and clients to join the movement on May 18.

For more information about how you can participate, visit the GAAD site at

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