Digital Accessibility Blog

Let's Stop Thinking of Accessibility Compliance as Scary

Written by CJ | Oct 1, 2019

Looming lawsuits and words like "compliance" can make accessibility seem scary — or maybe worse, so daunting that we ignore it entirely.

But here's the thing: accessibility isn't scary; inaccessibility is.

When we prevent people from learning about products and services (or presidential candidates), that's scary.

When a simple color update can be made, but isn't, that would allow more people to read the content, that's scary.

When organizations believe myths and misconceptions like people with disabilities don't use computers, that's scary.

But accessibility compliance? Not scary. Empowering.

If you're ready to take control of your website's accessibility, these resources can help get you started:

We look forward to helping you achieve, maintain, and prove digital compliance.